Face Your Fear

Sunday, August 11, 2013

Remember that old school classic brand "No Fear"? I remember liking that brand for its awesome tagline that goes "Face Your Fears, Live Your Dreams". Just uttering that phrase kinda gives you this extra boost of courage and "ooopmh" to push yourself further. 

So, I've been actively involved in sport climbing for the past 7 months or so and coming from one who is afraid of heights, 7 months isn't too bad of a stint. I recall the very first time I had to climb the wall at Belia, I couldn't even get past the fifth panel! 

The first time is always the scariest. You feel most vulnerable and insecure. Will the rope hold my weight? Is the harness strong enough? What if I fall? Fear storms in like a hurricane and cripples you. And I was reminded that it's really okay if I didn't make it all the way up the first time. 

We're designed and made uniquely different. Some can climb all the way up on their first try, some can climb perhaps three panels. Yet, the thing I learnt most out of the 7 months of climbing is the power of decision making and pushing yourself at your own pace. 

IF I would've given up climbing just because I couldn't complete the route on my first try or because I was afraid of heights, I would have never improved and push myself mentally to where I am today. Just yesterday I tried something I never thought I was able to do. I climbed from the back of the wall through the scaffolding, setup up from the back and then repelled myself down! To me, it was a significant moment. To me, it was a milestone as I finally did something I never thought I could :) 

So long as our feet are on the ground of this earth, fears reside amongst us. It's what we choose to do with those fears that will ultimately push us upward and downward. God created us in such a way that we ought to rely on Him. Mental strength is one thing, faith is something else. Faith defies the realities of our world. It puts wings on our back which no common eye can see. Faith gave David victory over Goliath and Moses to part the sea. Faith allows us to face our fears, and to see through His eyes, the dreams that He so desires us to live out and live in. 

Face your fears, Live HIS dreams.


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